Navigating Student Loans: Tips, Repayment Options

Pursue higher education with Money Magnet Student Loan

Higher education plays an important role in shaping your future. We understand how important it is to pursue higher education and we are here to help you in achieving your goals. We make your academic journey easy by providing competitive student loans. No matter, you are a graduate, under graduate or a career training student, we offer different kinds of loans to help you get admission in your desired stream in your desired college.

Student Loan Eligibility

The eligibility depends on the type of education loan you are applying for and the lender. However, the basic requirements that need to be fulfilled are as follows.

  • Residency or citizenship
  • The institution you are enrolling should be listed
  • Academic program
  • Credit history (For private loans)

Make Student Loan Payments While In School And Enjoy The Benefits

There are significant benefits of student loan repayment while you are in school.

Many of you might frequently borrow funds in order to seek admission in reputed institutions. Debt management after your graduation can be intimidating. If you have taken government loans, the government will pay interest on several loans like the Stafford loan and Perkins loan along with subsidy. However, for private loans, you might have to pay interest too.

To prevent the debt of a huge amount, it is better to start paying the student loan while you are in college. You can pay a minimum amount every month or opt for student line of credit. Thus, you can start paying the interest amount until you are a graduate and pay the loan amount once you get a job.

You are also able to build a good credit history that will help you to get loans easily in future.

Great Offer For Customer

How to apply for student loan

In order to get financial aid to get enrolled in a foreign university, you need to fill a FAFSA form. The Free Application for Federal student aid can be filled by anyone seeking federal aid for student loan, grant or scholarship.

After submission of the FAFSA application and it is accepted, you can apply for student loan online by just filling a form with basic details.

The details will be reviewed by the team and if all requirements are met, you will receive loan approval.

Once the loan is approved, the funds will be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible.


Amazing Features

Invest in Your Future

Higher education is the key to a gateway of new possibilities and endless opportunities. We are there to help you in this journey of completing your education and achieving your goals. Our student loans are designed to meet the requirements of all kinds of students. Also, they are easily accessible as well as affordable.

What is a student loan?
A student loan is basically a financial aid provided to students so that they can complete their education with ease. The financial aid helps them to bear the education expenses like paying fee, buying books, tuition, living expenses, etc. without any trouble. The students need to pay back the loan with interest after graduation or whenever the course is complete.
What types of student loans are available?
The two main types of student loans that are available are private and federal loans. Federal loans are offered by the government and have more favorable terms while private loans are offered by financial institutions like banks, private lenders and credit unions.
What's the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized federal loans?
Subsidized federal loans are need based. They do not accrue interest while you are in school or during deferment. However, unsubsidized loans are not need based. You also need to pay the interest from the day the loan is disbursed.

Check Loan according to your need

Types of Student Loans
